Two Top Tax Tips for Landlords

Two Top Tax Tips for Landlords

 This two-minute read includes some handy tax advice for landlords.

Our tax system is often criticised for being complicated and unwieldy, but by following two simple rules you can take the stress and hassle out of filing a return.

 Rule Number 1: Do your homework

Raise your hand if you find the subject of tax dull? You’re not alone, many people cite tax as a conversation killer (right up there with religion and politics).

 And because they find it boring, they don’t bother to learn much about it or keep abreast of rule changes.

The problem is when you’re a landlord, ignorance isn’t bliss – it costs you money. If you don’t understand the system, you can’t minimise your tax bill.

So do your homework and make sure that:

  • You understand exactly what you can claim as tax deductible expenses. Many landlords grasp the big picture stuff but overlook the smaller items that, when added together, can significantly reduce their bill.
  • You’ve investigated whether it’s worth setting up as a limited company. This option won’t be advantageous for everyone (it tends to be more beneficial if you own a lot of properties).
  • You’ve looked into the possible benefits of putting your property portfolio into joint ownership. This is worthwhile if, for example, you’re a high-rate taxpayer and your co-owner is on a low income.

Rule Number 2: Get organised

Once you understand the tax rules, be disciplined with your record-keeping.

This means keeping receipts for repairs, maintenance work, safety checks, and insurance. The same goes for service providers such as cleaners, gardeners, and letting agents, and things like phone calls, stamps, and travel to and from the property.

We would advise that you tally up your expenses every month, instead of throwing all your paperwork in a drawer and having a panic later. If you’re disorganised, you’re much more likely to lose important documents or forget to claim something.

Don’t be an ostrich

Don’t be like one of the 1,790,368 people who missed their 2021 filing deadline and had to pay an HMRC fine.

As a landlord, you can’t dodge your tax responsibilities, so don’t bury your head in the sand. Educate yourself and be proactive.

We always advise our landlords to contact an accountant who has experience in dealing with property tax matters.

Contact us to find out how we help local landlords make the most of their rental investments.

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What You Should Know before You and Your Partner Live Together If talk between you and your partner this Valentine’s Day turns to living together, there are a few practical things you should know first. Here at Hi Residential, we pride ourselves on being as helpful as possible. But dishing out relationship advice is a step too far – even for us. So, if you’re considering moving in with your partner, we’ll leave the big decisions and lovey-dovey stuff down to you. However, if you decide to co-habit, we have some useful, albeit unromantic, advice for you. It’s based on insights we’ve gained over the years from helping many couples set up home together. Speak to your landlord One option when moving in together is to start afresh in a new rental property. However, if you plan to move into your partner’s rented place or for them to join you, then you need to discuss this with the landlord. Be aware that you’ll need to get the landlord’s permission first, and they’ll most likely have to run a reference check. Budget and bills The good thing about living with someone is you can share the financial burden of renting. But you’ll need to have a frank conversation at the start to discuss how much you can afford to pay in rent and how you’ll split the bills. Jointly liable It’s worth understanding that when the two of you sign a tenancy agreement, you are both ‘jointly and severally liable’. This means that if, for example, your partner loses their job and can’t pay the rent, you could be liable to pay their share. The same goes for the upkeep and maintenance of the property. You’re both equally responsible. Logistics If you both already have your own homes, decide what furniture you’ll each take to your new property. It’s unlikely that you will have room for more than one sofa, bed or dining table, so you may need to give away or sell some big-ticket items. At this point, you may also get the home-making bug and decide to buy some items to turn your new place into a cosy love nest. In that case, it may be time to put your relationship to the test by taking a trip to Ikea. Good luck. If you’re looking for a new rental property, contact us here at Hi Residential today.

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